Opinion: EKSU Smart School

I share a different view from the recent development concerning EKSU Smart School
Before we negotiate or consider the price of EKSU smart School, there is something most crucial and essential that we have neglected.
Before the school management went into agreement with EKSU Smart School, if truly they are after our advancement, they should've known that electricity is a very essential commodity in an academic environment. Bringing such initiative so demand the usage of electricity even more, not by the utility itself, but by those who will use it. Not just that, infrastructural development (such as projectors, public address system etc) carry such importance too. If our lecturers will lecture a class from Canada (like they claim) where are the facilities for that?
We owe the management and the service provider a responsibility to remind them that in an academic environment, digitizing teaching and learning process demands access to electricity by the users. We don't have electricity around the school environment neither do we in our classrooms.
EKSU smart School will not be anything different from buying a good headset for a deaf man.
We demand Electricity (in all classrooms of learning) and other essential infrastructural development from the school management, to accommodate and make credible the introduction of EKSU Smart School. Then we can negotiate the price of EKSU Smart School.
We can't continue to pay for services we don't receive, fellow Nigerian students, let us wise up now and tackle issues articulately and intelligently. And our unity is also very important.
No electricity and infrastructural development, No EKSU smart school.

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