How Opposite Sides Attract Each Other - 9 Ways.

He touched my soul long before I knew what his hands felt like.
— Nikki Rowe
Most relationships are built on connections or more clearly, things that both parties have in common. Take for instance, the reason why Janet an artist fell for Ayo was because they are both artists and loves anything related to art, the reason why a teacher Emeka was madly in love with a youth corper Biola, was because they both are writers and share a common view on life. The things that interest us are the things that attract other people to us and we to them. Though opposite sides attract, this science concept also talks about a connection which is the attraction — there must be something that attracts or catches the eye of both parties for them to be attracted to each other.
The connection between people can stem from the fact that they share hobbies, visions, dreams, love for food, love for art etc. This trigger then results in sharing thoughts, clothes, saliva (though you might think that is disgusting, it happens when you kiss!!) and therefore connecting with your partner.
Connection is beautiful, you get to understand your partner when you connect with them, you both can speak with your eyes when you are connected, enjoy each other’s company, have enormous fun, be at ease in each other’s company. There are few things as beautiful as being connected to your partner. Some times, we may feel disconnected from our partner especially when the things that trigger our connection no longer exist or fades away, here are ways to feel as connected to your partner.
1. Touch each other
Everyone wants to be loved, and everyone wants to be held. Touching your partner go a long way in sending sparks coursing through his/her veins. Hugging, high five, kissing, gentle tap, playful slaps, cuddle, and any other form of physical contact builds a sense of connection with your partner.
2. Have together time
Do things together. Watch that movie you have been dying to watch with her. Cook his favorite meal with him, bath together, eat together, doing these things together will help you guys on a deeper level than you will ever imagine. So don’t forget to laugh at each other’s jokes, create new beautiful memories and sometimes relive old ones. Memories are treasures.
3. Be Romantic
Take her out to that new restaurant that serves her favorite food. Buy him that beautiful shoes that he has been yapping about all month. Take her to the place of your first date, celebrate your anniversary under the stars. Romantic moments leaves us connected to our partner. And never forget to flirt with your partner, it’s romantic and can spice things up once in a while.
4. Give TLC
Tell her how beautiful she is, tell him how handsome he looks, help her brush her hair or plait it. Pull the chair for her when she wants to sit at the dinning, smile at her once in a while, carry her to the kitchen or bedroom once in awhile, kiss her forehead from time to time. Always show your lover, you care for him or her, you love her or him and that s/he means a lot to you.
5. Have sex
If you both are experienced or married, have sex. Sex has the tremendous ability to connect two souls together that is where the phenomenom ” Make love came from”. Sex especially when the two of you are in love, connects your soul on a deeper scale. So more often sleep naked, so as to make it easier to copulate in grand style.
6. Take care of your partner
Listen to your partner when s/he talks, defend your partner in public, counsel him in love, take care of him when he is sick. Be curious about his or her day, know how her day and if it was stressful, try to lessen the burden of the day. Take care of your partner, it endears your partner to you, making it easier to connect.
7. Have inside jokes
Have jokes peculiar to both of you. This creates a sense of bonding between the two of you even in the midst of multitude. It is impossible to
8. Let your gadgets be
Though we are in the ICT age, your partner is more important than your phone or laptop. There is time for everything under the sun, allocate a lot of time to your partner and your self and leave your gadgets alone.
9. Take care of you
Finally take care of your self. Dream, have aspirations, read a lot, build your self, so that your partner can find in you — a lover, a friend, a confidant, a motivator and his or her number one fan.
Connection is all about bonding. Bonding with your partner is essential to the growth of your relationship not to mention it makes love sweet and the relationship amazing. Never fail to connect with your partner.
This has been Relationship Cornet with Eddie Schwaggs
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