There was a university where LIGHT was uninterrupted until he came...
There was a university where school fees was below 15k until he came...
There was a university when grasses where cut monthly until he, it is the duty of cows to cut the grasses. Very disheartening!
There was a university where Students' Union Government was active until he came...
There was a university where Pharmacy and MLS where duly paid their entitlements until he came.
Their was a university Guest House until he came...
There was a university where halls of residence (hostels) were habitable until he came...
The University calendar was one of the fastest until he came.
The University was ranked between 5 and 8 buy NUC until he came...
Are we to celebrate the number of years he have stayed or his achievements?
Who? What? Why? are we celebrating.
God have mercy
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