May 2018 - Bishop Chris Bennett is Coming To Africa (Nigeria)
Bishop Abraham Sunday is the chairman, Mobilisation Committee of Bishop Chris Bennett in Nigeria. In this interview with Abiola Ewuola, he speaks on what Nigerians should expect, as Bishop Chris Bennet, under the auspices of his Chris Bennet Ministries arrives for Establishing of the Church come May 2018.
What Makes Bishop Chris Bennett Coming So Unique, Considering He Was Never Been To Africa Before?
You know it is spreading the gospel to Africa and coming to Nigeria, in my opinion, is a good development. Its a blessing for us, because Nigeria is the giant of Africa. And then we are going through a turbulent period, so its a delight he has chosen to come to Nigeria. One would have expected him to go to South Africa or Lesotho, where they are more Western. So, to me, coming here is an advantage, which gives Nigeria due honour, as far as Africa is concerned. Presently, were surrounded by a myriad of challenges and just coming out of recession. We have challenges with insecurity, ritual killings, Fulani herdsmen attacks, kidnapping and unrest in so many places. The Bible says, righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. I believe it is a good omen, when a man of God of his age says he is coming to a country. He could have looked in another direction or chosen not to come to us at a time like this. Everybody likes to identify with something that is good; something that is working and we believe that Nigeria is working. Nigeria is in the process of working and so; I believe his coming at this time is a blessing to us. He is taking the challenge to come and pronounce his blessing upon Nigeria. I believe when he comes, he will address the powers and principality of the air. I believe we will begin to see a turnaround, when he speaks as an apostle of Jesus to Nigeria.
What happens is that in the international community, people are beginning to feel concern for a nation that is so highly endowed as ours, which means they recognise the grace, potential and blessings upon this nation that Satan is trying to frustrate by every means. I’m sure its prayer that is holding this nation together. If it were not for the prayer of people God, Nigeria wont be where it is today. So, I believe there is a bright future for Nigeria. There are men of God here, and we are praying every day, which accounts for our relative stability. But I believe when Bishop Chris Bennett comes, many good things will happen, as God hears prayer of the righteous. As he joins forces with us, it gives us the right hand of fellowship, praying and believing that a change will come to Nigeria, because when you see challenges of this magnitude, it cannot but have a spiritual dimension. And that is what he would be addressing and asking that the power of the gospel, which is in the name of Jesus, will break every yoke making things difficulty for us.
What Should Nigerians Expect From Bishop Chris Bennet Ministry?
Everybody wants to identify with you, when everything is running smoothly, but he is just one of those that have a deep love and passion for Nigeria. You need to feel the pulse of so many good people, including Christians abroad; how they think of Nigeria and pray for us. Almost 25 years ago, I remember a missionary woman, I don't know whether she is still alive now, because as at that time, she was in her 60s, who once said: If you look at the map of Africa and turn it, it looks like an epistle and Nigeria is a trigger point. Have you ever wondered why our challenges are so peculiar and so unique? It is because we are a special people, which is why the heaven lies are against us and are ensuring that Gods purpose and plan is scuttled.
So, I believe with all my heart that when Bishop Chris Bennett comes and speaks to the land, God Himself will hear him, because it is His benevolence that has kept Nigeria from disintegrating. He will make our joy full and His promises concerning this nation will become a reality and we stand tall and proud in the comity of nations.
Christian Leaders In Nigeria Are Really Supporting Bishop Chris Bennett Coming. Why Is That?
It is an indication that something good is about to happen. You know, one of the challenges in every nation is division in the religious sector. But when somebody like Bishop Chris Bennett comes and prays, it becomes a unifying factor, of bringing together people, who have hitherto been separated by denominational walls, differences and doctrines. Its a beautiful platform, just like the Bible says, How good and lovely and beautiful it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. That is an apostolic grace that is upon this evangelist; that he can come around and church leaders would put aside their differences and say lets stand and cooperate with this man coming to speak blessings to our lives. I think its a very good development that all preachers, all leaders can come together, just because a prominent servant of God is coming from overseas.
How Many People Do You Envisage Will Join The Chris Bennett Ministry?
I think we are expecting one million souls in the first year. And I know there is lot of things put in place to achieve that. There is a serious arrangement to develop the countrys faith in our Lord Jesus Christ again, cos the country is losing it. A special committee headed by one of the people in the central working committee of the Ministry will be leaving no stone unturned, and they will do everything in their power to ensure that lives are saved and everything goes well.
About Bishop Chris Bennett
Chris was born on October 7, 1976 in Jamaica, West Indies. He was brought up in Goshen, St. Elizabeth and came to the United States in 1986. He received his spiritual upbringing in the Shiloh Apostolic Churches of Jamaica and the Church of the Apostolic Faith Waterloo in Santa Cruz, Jamaica; a church where his great grandparents were charter members. Dr. Chris Bennett was ordianed to the office of the bishop in the Lord’s church in 2006 by Bishop Leo Smith and and then Bishop Byron V. Johnson now Apostle Johnson, (both PAW Bishops at the time) in Chicago, Illinois. Chris Bennett has received his Bachelors in Pastoral Studies, his Masters in Educational Leadership and his doctorate in Leadership.
He was baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost on November 19, 1988 in Hartford, Connecticut. He has been submitted to the pastoral and spiritual leadership of Bishop Leo Smith, Pastor Emeritus of Bethlehem Community Church in East Orange, New Jersey and Diocesan Bishop of the 36th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, for the past 24 years.
Coming out victoriously after a massive attack designed to destroy his reputation, purpose and destiny, Bishop Dr. Chris Bennett has emerged with a passion to unapoligetically preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God. He has been mandated by God to preach the restoration of the dominance of man on earth, therefore leading a generation into their dominion power. He is an author, teacher, business owner, conference host, worshiper, and growth agent just to name a few. As the president and CEO of Chris Bennett Ministries, he travels extensively with his team, preparing men and women for citizenship into the Kingdom of God and teaching them to access their right to power, authority and rulership as an immortal agent in God’s kingdom. He is fun, relaxed, loves to laugh and enjoys his life in its fullness and he would love to hear from you! So connect with him and experience a shift in your existence!
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