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White Wedding: Chidimma Kamalu And Innocent Onoh

Mr/Mrs Innocent Onoh

Did you know that 'Bride Price' is the easiest thing to pay for? For instance, this wedding, it was less than Hundred Naira, I can't tell you the exact amount 'cos it's suppose to be a family secret, so remove that myth of Igbo Bride Price being expensive…but the spending after, 'your butt should be thick'!

Since Innocent Onoh have done enough squats to become a husband, this he already proved at the introduction down to the traditional wedding and today the 26th of December, 2015, he will complete his journey in transforming a lady to becoming a woman. Today he would change the name Chidimma Elemonuwa Kamalu to Mrs Chidimma Elemonuwa Onoh…Gbetu Tv was there.

On the other write-up, the Traditional Wedding, I discussed 'Support' a bit, but now I am emphasising it, this is the most impressive and most demanded for. The wedding is to be hosted by the (Husband)'s Family, so this time the Bride's Family had to go over to the Groom's Village, "Ugwuekuma". The mother of the Bride could not leave without her/the 'Umuada'- this comprise or are her own sisters, close friends and senior women from her side; not that the wedding would not hold without them but because she doesn't want to feel alone. I got this from personal observation though.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful. The bride was stunning. The groom was groovy. The best man was neat and the Chief Brides Maid was…(can we discuss her later please?)*wink*. It was done at St Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ututu, Arochukwu in Abia State.

Nobody came out, so they both said 'I Do'. Therefore, Mr and Mrs Innocent Onoh. Yes!

But before then, these words from from the book of Sirach 26:1-4:13-16 (Roman Catholic Way) really got me thinking. It says:

"The husband of a good wife is a fortunate man; he will live twice as long because of her. A fine wife is a joy to her husband, and he can live out his years in peace. A good wife is among the precious blessings given to those who fear the Lord. Weather such men are rich or poor, they will be happy and always look cheerful. A gracious life is her husband's delight; her abilities make him a stronger man. A wife who doesn't talk too much is a gift from the Lord. Such restraint is admirable beyond words. A modest wife has endless charm; it is a quality too precious to measure. The beauty of the good wife in her well-kept home is like the noonday sun shining in the Lord's sky."

This was the first reading.

I thought the Second reading, from Corinthians 13:1-7,  is romantic, so I gotta share-

"Brethren, earnestly desire the higher gifts, and I will show you a still more excellent way. If I speak in the tongues of men and angles, but if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver all my body to be burned, but have not loved, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind. Love is jealous and boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.
Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoice right.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."

At the Wedding Reception, I noticed something of significance, the Chairman of the occasion was asked to break the cola nut, but instead he passed it round until it got to the most senior person around since he was younger. Point is, it is not who owns the money, it is who saw light first. Shout out to the Igbo's and all those that respect elders.

It was graced with presence of DG, Pace Setter Fm (103.5); high chiefs from Ugwuekuma; the Eze Ogo Amachi, Benedict  Kalu Okerekezi, staffers from the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Lagos branch  and other prominent men and women in Abia State.

I tried missing the after party but couldn't. Neither did I miss the thanks giving mass at St Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ututu.

Meanwhile, before leaving for Isu, I saw this…

Ugwuekuma Carnival was about to start.

3days later, not sure if this happens three days after the white wedding and before the couple is to consummate their marriage. The grooms MOTHER is to tie two wrapper, then later transfer these TWO wrappers to the WIFE, this is to introduce her to the league of women. It is believed that only married women (really) tie two wrappers, ladies should tie one. And then she would be given a family name(the new wife). She, Mrs Onoh was given the name "Obi diya" meaning "Heart of the Husband" or "(The) Husband's Heart". This is what she would be (officially)  called by the older people in the family and those that know her(You can relate this with your baptismal name), except, probably when they start calling her 'Mama Something.

Then follows the final process. This is very important and cannot be missed, even if you forget, you will be reminded by people. The cooking of Ukan-Nlama meaning 'Wedding Plantain'. This is used to finalise the whole wedding, this is traditional. It is the cooking of large number of plantain with excess oil in a big pot. Call it plantain meal and these plantains will not be  cut to smaller pieces but cooked as a whole. Once ready, it will be sent to the groom, the bride's father, and other prominent people from the brides side, strictly these three, relax, you get to taste. Lol!

Finally, I had a family tour to the streams and some parts of Isu and Ugwuekuma with both families before returning to Lagos! Wanna see?!

Click here

Happy Married Life Mr/Mrs Innocent Onoh!


More photos below:

The Bride's Siblings

The Groom's Nephews and Niece

The Bride and Aunties

Chief Bride Maid and Groom's Nephews


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Fadaka Louis

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