How To Save Your Relationship or Marriage as a Man
The Problems most times why marriage fails sometimes comes from the men. When a man is married to a beautiful lady, he tends to control and rule over her life, And then forget that, it does not take a whole lot to keep a woman, especially when you are blessed with a beautiful wife.
Every woman wants to be loved by her man, even if she doesn’t love you that much but hence you have proven to her that you love her so much and you can do anything to always make her happy, I bet you she will never leave you.
You seat down in front of the TV with your phone and watch your wife work until she’s about to pass out and just before she sleeps, you still want sex. Seriously, are you kidding me. Don’t you see you are wicked?
As a man, who told you that it is wrong to wash dishes? Who told you it is wrong to bath the kids and dress them for school when they are up to? Who told you that it is wrong to dress a bed? Who told you it is wrong to prepare breakfast or dinner? And there’s this twisted view of marriage that has led to an increase in domestic violence where they’ll see a man cooking and they be like “Guy, you need to get married so you can stop cooking”. Let me tell you, don’t marry a woman to clean or cook for you but marry to assist, love, cherish and enjoy each other.
If you are getting married because you feel you need someone to cook and do all house work for you, then get a housemaid.
Aadunmo Toluwalase Muhydeen
is a graduate of Mass Communication, YABATECH
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