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Chris Da Phoenix goes blunt Everybody wanting to be CEOs and not Partners

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Chris Da Phoenix
With the high preaching and loud talks given these days by motivational speakers, etc, on being self self-employed, many have started discovering themselves. In this case, we have also realized that while some are making it, many others will be best in partnership. Therefore, self-employment can be called a lazy means of livelihood.

Redcarpet host and media personnel, best known as ChrisDa Phoenix have emphasised the need for people to stay in partnership instead of running to be CEOs. This leads us to a quick refer on an American study that proves and states that A good number of CEOs left their job in 2018. To do what we ask?

We all can't be Bosses, fact don't fight it. Please who will patronize who? - Chris Da Phoenix

Well, read what Chris is saying below:

"These days in Nigeria, everybody is a CEO, not for pride of being their own bosses but because the system is so fucked that even when you get a job, you are just a little better than those who don't (probably 'cos you go to a place u call ur office every morning) and yes, some couldn't get decent jobs and are forced to look elsewhere to survive. 

Here's the reality, we all can't be Bosses, fact don't fight it (please who will patronize who) some are made to lead and others are made to follow and some will be bystanders, just like the nail and the hammer, some will be the hammer, others the nail and some the wood. 

Everybody would have been able to achieve a level of success no matter the category you fall into, the poor ones would have been comfortable, the comfortable ones now would have been rich and the rich ones now would have been super rich if only the system is well structured to accommodate everyone. 

Being the boss is not the issue, everybody writes CEO on their pages, you ask them how is business six months later and they tell you "men, that thing is hard o, it packed up", why? Lack of passion for the business, lack of support, lack of structure, like it or not for some people if you don't provide the right balance (support, environment and time) they can't succeed in business, but give them a decent office/company job and watch them excel in months (different strokes for different folks), these are the followers, they have a so called Boss over them but they're excelling. 

You that don't have time to work for anybody, you're running up and down with little or nothing to show.. Some people go into business not because of passion or to be successful but to just survive, they lack business strategy as well as the right foundation to grow a successful business hence my case about some people called followers. 

Everyone will and must not own a business enterprise. That's Just how it is, know your place and your value. May God help us make the right choices.

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