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Looking at the mirror everyday, I keep wondering what the people in my dispersion see marriage as... Some joke I think.

Some of them feel,  marriage is trash, marriage is shit.

I heard some even say they can't f**k one pussy for ever.

Someone said marriage is the only place you can have legal sex.

Like the only good thing about marriage is the fact that you can have legal sex with someone.

Some said you can't love one person til death do you apart.

That brings me to the part that, children from broken home are likely to break more heart, and at the same time, the highest number of surviving marriage is surviving because it's occur between children from broken home, those who have learnt from the mistakes their parent made, and of course they worked on themselves to ensure that, what ever form of love they give is pure, true and clear.

What do you think actually would be if our forefather  saw the marriage the way we see it?

How will our children, the  generation after us, what do you think they will see marriage as? I needed to discuss with my fellow mates, and since  I'm not even married, I decided to ask someone who is married and his marriage is going perfectly great.

Below is an interview between a man who is married for years now
 Sir, Do you think two people can love each other till death do them apart?

Pastor Tunde Salako:

Yes the Holy commandment backing Christian love in marriage is TILL DEATH DO US PART, this is highly possible if the couple remain in the Lord.

They also need to continue to see the good part of each other & be deliberate about their weaknesses as areas to help each other improve.
Apart from love, is there any other thing that can keep the marriage together?

Pastor Tunde Salako
Helping each other to achieve their respective goals.
No Man or Woman will leave whoever helps him or her to become better
 I once read in a book that Love is never enough for a marriage that hopes to last till forever...  How true is this sir?

Pastor Tunde Salako
 Love is beyond what words can express but better when experienced.

Loving one's partner in marital relationship is representing God, you give what you have learnt from God to your partner, we experience God every day & learn more about Him, hence it will be difficult for a couple to stop loving each other.

Above all, I see love as Karma, what you give always have a way of coming back to you.
 For a generation like mine, 90% of us can't even love ourselves the way we should... How can we make marriage more enjoyable?

Pastor Tunde Salako
 Appreciate God, do what God commands & make yourself an extension of what God can do at least. We are in the generation of science but God is still God, science can't explain it.

From this discussion above, you might really need to sit down and understand that marriage does work.

Also attached to this article is some words from a Professor Who has being married for about twenty years. 

Prof Oni Emmanuel
Marriage is a good thing.
It's a ground which is full of plenty blessings but you can add some curses by yourself.

To me,  marriage has been the best thing that has happened to me, because I wanted it to work, I wanted to be happy in it and yes!  I am happy in it.

I was opportuned  to stay with a couple who has been married for about four years during my 100levels...

With the way they love each other, I just love that institution called marriage.

I have heard people say that marriage thing doesn't work...

Yes! That marriage thing won't work when you enter it blindly an elderly man once told me.

Late Myles Munroe once said love is not enough...

People have said you can't love a person for ever... Somehow I agree with them

But one interesting about marriage is, you ain't loving one person, you are loving you.

And the moment you can't love you till death do you apart. That thing called marriage might not work.

The next time someone tells you what marriage is not... You should ask them if they actually want it to work.

That thing called marriage is good, pure, incorruptible, great and full of blessings when handled in the right way.

Temi Badmus

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