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WEDDING OF MY EX - Episode 4

WEDDING OF MY EX - Episode 4

Chris sits up groggily. He speaks sleepily.

What’s wrong, Honey pie?

What’s going on between you and Effe now?

What’re you talking about?

Stop it, Chris. Please, don’t start that with me!

She hands him the phone.
Silently he reads Steve’s message, and his jaw tightens. He sits up higher and sighs deeply.

Something happened today, Angel. I told you about a Mr. Rupert Henderson, our South African bankroller. Remember?

I remember. You told me he’s the brain behind the Slash Designs South Africa lounge.

As I told you, I’ll be CEO of the South African lounge. The decision was taken today. Henderson’s been basing in Takoradi most of the time when he’s in Ghana. He’s some relatives there, I gather. Well, he is going to get married this Saturday. Evelyn told me today, and gave me the invitation card. He is going to marry Effe.
What? What’re you telling me, Chris? You told me the man is an old man. He’s going to marry Effe? And you didn’t know about it? You really expect me to believe that?

No one at Slash knows Effe and I were once engaged! I don’t think even Mr. Henderson knows! It is just one of those crazy coincidences!

And you were not going to tell me about this, were you?

Of course I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for the right moment.

And the invitation card? Where is it? Don’t tell me you forgot it in the office, Chris. I wouldn’t believe that.

I left it in the car.

In the car or stashed away in the glove compartment?

Come on, Honey. Don’t get riled up over this. It is crazy, sure, but it has happened. It doesn’t need to change anything. Effe is dead to me. You have given me back my life, and I am totally committed to you, so let’s concentrate on what’s important.

(wagging a forefinger at him.)
Don’t tell me it hasn’t changed anything! You put that card in the glove compartment, didn’t you? You never intended to tell me, at least, not today! And when you came in and kissed me your damn dick was colder than ice, Chris. That has never happened before! Of course this has touched something in you! You still care for that girl, don’t you?

Now quit it, Elly. Fine, I would be lying if I say I wasn’t affected. I was shocked, yes, just as you were, but that’s it. Effe is getting married, fine, let her. You and I are getting married at the end of the year, remember? So that’s it. Let it go.

She gets up and sits on the sofa and folds her arms across her breasts.
She looks at him with venom. She is breathing hard, barely able to control her anger.

You’re not going to that wedding, Chris. Saturday, our plans remain the same. We’re going to Akosombo to visit my Aunt.

John Tamakloe wants me to go, Elly. He is the Chairman of the Board, and he thinks this will cement the relationship between Slash Designs and Rupert Henderson. They are using my designs exclusively for the South African Fashion Show in September, love, and Henderson is setting up the platform for me. I can’t say no to Tamakloe.

Four years ago Effe treated you like trash. You were so hurt you lost even your will to live. I stayed by your side, loved you, and helped you heal. That bitch tore your life to shreds, and made your heart all mushy like minced meat. I stayed with you and nurtured you back to life, Chris. Now, if I mean SOMETHING to you, find a good excuse and stay away from that damn wedding!

Her hands are balled into angry fists, and there is fire in her gaze as she looks at his face. He approaches her and speaks gently.

Stop working yourself up over nothing, Honey. You’re the one I love, you know it.

Don’t touch me now, Chris, please don’t.

Elly, you’re letting that witch affect our lives again. We vowed to move out of her web four years ago, didn’t we? Please, don’t let us bleed our hearts for her. She is not worth it.

If Effe is getting married to a rich old bugger, well, that’s no surprise because she has always been a shameless gold digger, a slut who’ll go to any lengths to ensure that she has her hands on money. But you’re right, she doesn’t matter anymore, love. What matters is that you don’t go to that wedding.

Fine. I’ll find something to tell Evelyn tomorrow. Maybe they might want to let Gabriel go instead.

This is no coincidence. I will not be surprised if Effe somehow found out that Rupert Henderson is related to your work, and wormed herself into his arms. Now she marries Rupert, she goes to South Africa with him. You’re made the CEO of Slash Designs South Africa, and of course you’ll be there with her. How convenient!

Now, don’t go that way, Elly. It is purely coincidental. Why, if I go to South Africa you’ll be there with me, as my wife! You know me, Elly. If Effe and I are alone in the same room and she happens to be the only girl in the world, nothing will happen. You know just how much I detest her! She can never draw me into her dark shadows again.

(standing up and facing him. Her face is cold and earnest.)
You’re not going to South Africa anymore, Chris. You don’t have to let them push you around like this. You told me yourself, darling, they’re using your designs exclusively. They need you, and not the other way round. Maybe this is the right moment for you to leave Slash, darling. You’ve made your name already, and you can make millions just by going on your own, representing Africa in the fashion world, baby. This is the time to break free!

We’ve gone over this before, love. I need more experience. I need more exposure and we agreed that South Africa would be the best stage for me. Evelyn took me in at a time in my life when I was useless. She had faith in me, and took great care to teach me the finer details of my talent. She has been good to me, and I can’t betray her now.

It is your decision, darling. But if I mean anything to you, then stay away from that wedding. If you attend Effe’s wedding, our relationship will be redefined. Just bear that in mind.

She lies on the bed, far away near the wall, and turns her back to him. She does not want him anywhere near her.
He stares at the bed. He sighs softly and lies down beside her. He feels her relaxing, and he draws her closer, running his palm down toward her breast.
She turns towards him, and kisses him deeply. For a very brief moment as his lips descends, it is not her face he sees.

He sees Effe‘s face.

A ChrisEffe Romance © Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

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