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Corper's Lodge

Part 1

I came back from school feeling very exhausted, My mum was not around, she was not back from Shop I guess, I headed to my room, Hung my school bag immediately I stepped inside the room, I opened my dirty Clothes bin with my left leg, i dumped my school uniform inside, did not bother to close the bin.. My worms really needed to eat something, and this one mummy is not back from shop, Garri plus groundnut is the only available solution to my present predicament. I emptied a cup of Garri inside my Tea Mug.. ‘how manage? Soaking Garri inside tea Mug’. My search for the bottle groundnut was in vain, I had to settle for sugar.. ‘am not a fan of taking too much sugar though, Why? The fear of not having a erected Joystick every morning is the beginning of Wisdom’.

It did not take ages before feeding my worms with the Garri, I went to the kitchen to rinse my cup thereafter..I came back to the room to change into a casual wear and reach for my back pack ‘My School bag’..I go through the day topics for thirty minutes, my assignment took another fifteen minutes out of my time.. now its 5:40pm, and my mum is still not back, this is unusual of her, I was on my way out to play football, was about opening the gate when mums car horn came bursting my ear.. I stood there for 15 seconds so that she won’t know I was already at the gate, before opening the gate for her to come in..

Waiting for her at the park before moving closer to greet her, aside her another lady came down from the car..This can’t be(I thought); corper Rita, whats she doing in our compound, she came to report me I guess..

Or Is it that the stunt I play yesterday really upset her, but how will she explain to my mum, and if at all she wants to report me, they wouldn’t have come home together, and more so my offence did not worth it to the extent of reporting to my mum…We’ll find out ourselves what Corper Rita came for..

"Good evening" I manage to say after some minutes of blackout reminiscing about what happen yesterday.

"Thought you are not going to greet me.. I and your mum have been calling, waving at you for the past 3 minutes or so, what got you lost?" "Don’t mind me ma" I lied but just couldn’t think of any reasonable content, I just smile sheepishly till mum told me to get ouuta her sight, while she head to the Bq with aunty Rita..I went inside with a heavy heart thinking about what this lady is upto but no yawa, am prepared for whatever she is up to….

Still lost in thought when I heard mum scream my name from the backyard, I went to meet her with my heart in my mouth but when I get to where she is, she inform me to see corper Rita off…

Immediately we step outta the compound, I was planning to back off after few steps, but we have not taken up to five steps step when corper rita fire at me, "Why were you lost in thought when you saw me with your mum?? "Erm erm", I stammered. "You thought I came to report what happen yesterday??" "Yes", I reply her.

"Oh", she smiled, Before asking her third question of the day, but wait who is at fault I don’t know where the courage came from when I reply its you now…She was surprise with my reply.

"I knew you were trying to seduce me yesterday…The only fault I had was falling for your seduction…Had it been my foolish eye was not enjoying the view of the lap, my leg could have at least walked me out to save me of the shock I received when I saw you today". I pour out my mind without looking at her face. "Am sorry" was all she could say before silent took over, immediately we got to the junction close to our house,I broke through the silence by saying "good night". 

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