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One of the reasons the PDP in Osun State finds it difficult  to zero  down on any candidate is that all of them are quality materials for governorship. Whether by consensus or primary elections the choice is herculean because of the array of capable hands the PDP parades in the current exercise.

Not less than a score, among whom are legal luminaries, university dons, intellectuals ,astute bussinessmen, heads of corporate bodies, administrators, practical politicians,  all of them with unblemished antecedence.

No wonder, the PDP had served as recruitment and poaching ground for most other parties, particularly the All progressive party. Some politicians moved away from PDP on mare secondment, some as internally displaced politicians.

Incidentally, once they secure refuge in the APC, these people, characteristics of migrants tend to exert all energies  to impress their hosts, and naturally,in return secure some protection and guided immunity.

With God on our side I hope  our aspirants would appreciate what God has endowed   in them. They are lucky to belong to PDP which Nigerians had now turned round  to commend, ..They should realize that out of the whole lot of them only one person will eventually occupy the Governorship seat.

All they can do to help the party, the state, and even themselves is not to wait till the last moment before deciding how far to go or not to go.

A grounded politician should endeavour to go far enough to make a point but certainly not too far to miss the point.

If I were, I would ask myself  some pertinent questions toward self pruning.
Am I capable physically,and intellectually? Am I exposed enough to attract party sympathy and acceptance, what is the level of voter-attraction".

Do I have access to sufficient take-off funds for the selection process, for the main election and possible post election litigation? 

I would also ask myself even if my party does not do any formal zoning, what is the public opinion about where the governorship slot should fairly  go? Do I fit in there?

Do I really appreciate the enormity of the task ahead to haul Osun State out of the current abyss of the political and socio-ecomic mess? Is there any alternative  for me to divert to before it gets  too late?

Or should I stand by governorship or nothing and eventually get nothing? It seems we all underestimate the need for a strong House Of Assembly, the House Of Representatives and the Senate where our best should clorog?Then would I want to dump my camp as shameless an unorthodox others do after the party had breathed life into them. No I will not.

I agree and assert that what is required in the process by the umpires, at all levels  is FAIR-PLAY and cooperation. Yes,  I can "team up" for cooperation for mutual and reciprocal benefits but not "ganging up" for destruction because there is a world of difference between the two.

Awe O!

I think I have covered some of your expressed concern.

Finally, let us fast and pray for Allah's guidance.

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