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Counter: Now that Senator Iyiola Omisore is gone, the PDP has overcome before his unfortunate exit!!!

I read the text of his resignation of the membership of PDP, and the much I could say is that whatever that has a beginning must come to an end eventually. In that text, Senator Omisore affirmed that his decision to call it quit with the PDP was due to wide consultation, first, with God and then Members of his Family.

Any Man can make claims for or against God due to the fact that God is a very Patient Creator but the aspect of family consultation is much doubtful. Only a few days ago, an Octogenarian Uncle of the same family to Otunba Omisore was at the PDP secretariat in Ife Central to affirm that he will not be following his Brother on his sojourn out of the PDP. Earlier I reported and can still confirm that Omisore's biological younger Brother by the name Omisore Adewale Olayiwola Alani is still in PDP and will be willing to mount the rostrum of PDP when the campaigns start. Therefore, the decision to leave PDP by Otunba Iyiola Omisore is better described as a personal idea devoid of known politically conscious family members input.


In the same speech, our erstwhile Leader attempted to situate his level of patriotism to Osun State when and where he claimed to unilaterally increase the allocation stature of Osun State in his capacity as the Senate Appropriation Commitee Chairman under the Senate President David Mark. This was a blatant lie unexpected of a Person of the calibre of Otunba Iyiola Omisore. It was a betrayal of his acclaimed rich education up to PhD level. An average educated Nigerian understands beyond propaganda that the power to fix the accruals to States reside in Revenue and Fiscal Mobilisation Commission where duties are politics are separated. No single Man can influence the undeserving increase of the allocation that a State will earn. Simultaneously when Omisore was Appropriation Chairman of the Senate, Hon Ayo Adeseun from Ogbomoso was the Appropriation Chairman of the House of Representatives. One then wonders why Adeseun have not deemed it fit to arrogate the increment in allocations to Oyo State to himself? In this digital and modern Age, falsehoods will further dim whatever chance any Office Seeker may think he have. Only politics of strong issues will sell in Osun State especially when Brothers have renounced Brotherhood in the meantime, politically.

The pontificating on internal democracy is a mirage. The method that is being decried now because of self and parochial advantage was used in the past by today's Victims and the world continued to exist. The naked truth is that the table has turned and everybody must face it. It is double standard for anybody to do much hammer on the outcome of a national convention while the same proponents were at the same time negotiating for sharing formula which will in turn alter the outcome of the so called national convention sanctity. If Congresses were held 1000 times, the minority can never win over the majority and therefore the unsaid truth by Otunba Omisore was that the pangs of a defeat will be too much to bear for him. Hence, while he sought for refuge in SDP.

Mention  was made about loyalty and Otunba Omisore's reference to the Ondo State PDP crisis during the last governorship election in that State and how he felt that it had connection to Osun State. The simple explanation for this is that it can not be only Omisore or his new group that witnessed all of what happened at that time.  The present national Leadership of the PDP under Prince Uche Secondus was abreast of all the information therein attached and for him and his NWC-National Working Committee to give the Olasoji Adagunodo led state leadership note of clean bill, it means that there was no established crime against Anybody in the PDP leadership of Osun State whether back then or now. The same Omisore who is preaching loyalty to Party now though important had sanctioned that a  section of the PDP which was loyal to him be fused into SDP during the Osun West senatorial District by-election less than a year ago.  That was why Honourable Bade Falade who later became the National  Ex - Officio of PDP clinched the SDP ticket for the Senate which was not without the blessing and endorsement of Otunba Iyiola Omisore. Therefore, it will amount to a case of condemning a practice with the right hand while embracing it with left hand simultaneously.

Lastly, Otunba Iyiola Omisore attributed his decision to quit the PDP to gossips about his Person. He cited that he suffered same gossip in the AD-Alliance for Democracy Party  which led to his decamping from AD too in early 2000s. I do not understand why a political Giant like Omisore will be proud to say he left a party  because of gossiping. To be alive and living well will attract gossips. I don't know if Otunba Omisore will abandon the SDP again should they gossip about him tomorrow? I personally would have wished that he stayed but now that Oga is gone, we can only but wish him life in his new political vessel. By the successful rally hosted by Osun PDP recently without his inputs and contributions, it was clear that the PDP in Osun State has moved on and moved on well too without him.

If we are Family, We will meet again.

Akintunde Bello Sheriff ABS,
May, 2018

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