Day25: Subordinate Your Feelings
Living with principles that are tied to your values can make life fulfilling. But everyday we're torn apart because there's a great difference between emotional competence and cognitive proficiency. Even if your values are clearly defined, and you've decided to ‘live your values’, it may not be as easy as you think.
Have you considered that most times, emotions is the mother of motion? Or haven't you notice that sometimes, we all live at the mercy of an impulse?
If we live at the mercy of our impulses all the time then we're doomed and our clearly written values becomes a mirror that tells us how incompetent we are. But if you're prepared for a great year ahead, you must learn to subordinate your feelings to values built on everlasting principles.
Our emotions will always suggest what we do, but conditioning our emotions to values is the only way to go forward. If, for example, you feel like taking a revenge, it's just a feeling. But to live without regret in the future, it's important that you make that feeling bow to ‘forgiveness’ and let karma take it's course. Even in our daily life, we must learn to condition our feelings to act in alignment with our deep rooted beliefs and clearly defined values.
If you want to procrastinate (feeling), try to subordinate it by working (value) immediately, and in the end you'd be glad you did.
As the Hebrews 12:4 puts it, “You have not resisted temptation (usually from emotions) till you start sweating blood.” Thus, subordinating feelings to values is the only way to live a value driven life.
I am Emmanuel Uti
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