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#Day1: Be Perfect In Your Imperfections

At some points in our lives, the desire to become useful by utilising our gifts and resources would become so strong that we start almost immediately without planning carefully. But along the way, the greatest killer of dreams steps in with a good reason - excusitis.

The desire to come out perfect creeps in and we start preparing for the tasks ahead. We prepare so much that instead of going for our soul urges, we loose value and enthusiasm like a soup that has been warned constantly._

So many of us have wasted useful time in search of the impeccable. We wait so much for that perfect time, perfect weather and perfect everything, only to get to the end and discover that we're imperfect humans in a perfect world.

Mark Zuckerberg did not know that one day Facebook would have filters. He didn't know that it would one day be the biggest social media. I'm sure he didn't believe that one day Facebook would help companies and entrepreneurs, yet he started out almost blindly by following his passion years ago. 

In the words of Bishop T. D. Jakes, “I usually start great projects with fear because I'm not sure of what would happen next.” The truth is *no idea comes out fully formed.* _Successful people do not sit back to plan all day without taking action._

Don't get me wrong, preparation is good but it can be better if we add ‘action’ to it.

Just start out what you've resolved in your heart to do. Right now you should strive to make the rest days of your life the best part of your life since yesterday ended last night and today has a lot of opportunities.

You are over qualified for success. In fact, many people started out with less than 30% of the knowledge you currently possess. 

Start now. _Don't be scared to fail,_ there are no failures only feedback. The greatest risk is not taking risk_, so take risks well. Remember perfection cannot be attained_ but if we try consistently,  _excellence will be guaranteed.



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