Celebrity Interview - Dosh Perfect | @doshperfect
a cool day we met our very own, an amazing act one of the shining
lights in middle belt entertainment world and she granted our
correspondent (JTwarrior) an interview.. Enjoy
JT: Welcome to our platform ma'am....
Dosh Perfect: Thank you very much and thanks for having me
JT: Can you tell us about yourself and your brand
Perfect: My name is Florence Dooshima Bundepuun. Tiv by tribe and an
indigene of Benue State, precisely from Kwande LGA. I am from a family
of five. I am a graduate of Economics from Benue State University. I
love to read, dance and above all to sing.
JT: ...... And she cuts in
Dosh Perfect: It is said he who sings prays twice and so i've chosen to commune with my God through music especially in my own words.
Dosh Perfect: It is said he who sings prays twice and so i've chosen to commune with my God through music especially in my own words.
JT: wow... what would you say inspires you to do good music?
Perfect: First, i would say it's my way of expressing myself. Art
itself is said to be a form of self expression. I must confess and i am
not proud to say this but i find it difficult to pray. Yes, i just said
that. But then i realised i could pray through singing.
So in a nutshell, i would say my inspiration comes from my desire to make up for my short comings, prayer wise.
Wow, I was privileged to listen to your pre-release work in the studio
and i was stormed by how good a singer you are... what pushes you to
give more?
Dosh Perfect: Thanks for the compliment. Good
music is subjective, because what you consider to be good music may not
be considered as such by someone else. I love to sing and dance. But i
believe singing alone is not enough, doing it well is good but how
people perceive your music is what matters the most. I always want to be
able to communicate with and reach out to a lot of people. You may find
out that the youth respond to certain genres of music differently from
the much older people, so i try to strike a balance between the two. In
trying to achieve this i have to be as flexible as possible and not be
This, is what pushes me to go beyond where i think is my limit
I also believe what ever is worth doing is worth doing not just well but excellently so i always put in plenty of effort and time in making sure the outcome is worth the time spent in trying to put the piece together
I also believe what ever is worth doing is worth doing not just well but excellently so i always put in plenty of effort and time in making sure the outcome is worth the time spent in trying to put the piece together
JT: So what are the challenges faced in the music business?
Perfect: Hmmmmm. Finance i would say is the major challenge, that is
generally speaking as it concerns the music industry in Nigeria. Some
artistes have very good music but they need money to get their music to
be known and getting sponsorship isn't so easy.
JT: A while ago at the studio i heard you are dropping new tunes for us (fans).. Whats in store for us?
Perfect: Hahahaha. Yes o. Just keep your fingers crossed, you won't be
disappointed i promise. I'm working on two songs currently, one in Tiv
the other in Igbo
JT: Where do you see yourself in the next 2-3 years in the music business
Perfect: I see myself beyond Africa. People in other continents
:Europe, America and the others should be able to identify with my
music. I see myself going places and touching many lives positively by
the grace of God
JT: Amen!! and we wish you all the best and always here to support your hustle
Dosh Perfect: Thank you so much
JT: Uwc, any last words for your fans?
Perfect: Never let anyone or anything keep you from pursuing your
dream. No matter what it is, pursue it passionately, the most important
thing is to first identify it and work relentlessly towards it. There
may be hurdles here and there but delay is never denial. Even if you
fail at it the first time, don't give up, keep pushing for you never can
tell, your destination may just be a stone throw away.
JT: Where do you see yourself in the next 2-3 years in the music business
Perfect: I see myself beyond Africa. People in other continents
:Europe, America and the others should be able to identify with my
music. I see myself going places and touching many lives positively by
the grace of God
JT: Amen!! and we wish you all the best and always here to support your hustle
Dosh Perfect: Thank you so much
JT: Its an honor having you on our platform
Dosh Perfect: The pleasure is all mine, thanks for having me.
fb: Dosh Perfect
insta: doshperfect
twitter: @doshperfect
insta: doshperfect
twitter: @doshperfect
Interviewed by JTwarrior "the awesome blogger".
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